
How to Write Your Story

God's work in our lives is a testament to His love and faithfulness.
Here, you'll find tips to help you give voice to your transformative spiritual journey.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
1 Peter 3:15

Your story holds immense power to inspire and encourage others. Telling others how God worked a miracle in your life, how He blessed you, transformed you, lifted and encouraged you, or perhaps even broke and then healed you—these are all real-life experiences that cannot be denied. Your story—regardless of how spectacular or ordinary you might think it is—is a glimpse into God's character.  

Many of us have experienced God's goodness in our lives but may not feel confident as storytellers or know where to begin when writing our stories. This is why writing it out can help you share your story effectively. As you write your story, focus on three core elements: your life before you trusted in Christ, how you surrendered to Him, and the changes in your life since you began walking with Him.
Your Life Before Christ:
Simply tell what your life was like before you surrendered to Christ. What were you searching for? What void were you seeking to fill or what need were you trying to satisfy? Identify the main problem, emotion, situation or mindset that occupied your thoughts and actions duing that season. What motivated your desire for change? How did you attempt to find fulfillment or cope? 
How You Came to Christ:
Next, explain how you came to have a relationship with Christ. Describe the specific events or circumstances that led you to consider Christ as the solution. Reflect on the events in your life during that time, including your physical and emotional state, and the people or predicaments that influenced your decision to place your faith in Christ.
Your Life After Coming to Christ:
Conclude by describing how your life has been different since believing in Christ. How has experiencing His forgiveness transformed your perspective? Describe the shifts you've seen in your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and mindsets. Share how Jesus is now meeting the needs and filling the voids you once tried to handle on your own. Life is far from perfect, and as Christians, we will still face struggles. However, explain what's different about your life now.
As your write your story, remember that the simple, straightforward truth of what God has done in your life is all the Holy Spirit needs to convict others  and convince them of God's love and grace. We are happy to answer any questions and offer guidance.

If you have any questions or need guidance while writing your story, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us using the links below.  And, if you're willing, we would love the opportunity to share your story on our website, allowing others to bear witness to God's remarkable work in your life and our Renew community!